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I do believe that sex positivity and being able to enjoy sex work (which a lot of people believe is not possible even though there are countless real life examples) deserves it’s place in the discussion about legalization, and even the “right to sex” or whatever should be taken into consideration, although it should not be the reason. The first and foremost reality is that decriminalization will make everything saver for everyone and that is the best reason to do it. Like what you are saying in the article, people want to keep their jobs and be able to do it securely, and they are adults who do not need other people to decide they can not do with their own body what they decide to do for whatever reason.

I might be what could fall under “erotic professional” and I do think that it’s great that we can enjoy it so much and see the positives that people love to ignore. However it’s unacceptable how degrading some other ladies and clients talk about the SW who aren’t in an as favorable position. My dad when he talked to me about my lifestyle was very insisted that I should always see it as a higher for of art and a healing experience for the client and while it’s ideal, some days you just want to zone out and get that bread, lol. You can’t always put all your energy and love into something and that’s ok. Sometimes a job is a job and not everyone can live in constant passion all the time. Too bad.

As for the incels, there is so much to unravel there. Of course SW should not be fodder, but if these men want to they will find their way, so we should have rules in place that the right people will be punished if women are harmed or disrespected. Also if people demand sexual services without much funds, ok, but then they do not get to comment on the looks of the provider. One of the things that concerns me most of the SW industry is pension.. I wish there was more security as we age.

The thing with most incel though is that they are not interested in SW. it’s not about sexual frustration. They want to be found attractive and get a sweet submissive gf who adores them and is a virgin. They don’t want “unpure” women who wouldn’t even look at them until they get their wallets out. Probably the same with rapists, they might enjoy the force and the violence, not the sexual service. And SW are not fodder for that indeed. So it wouldn’t solve anything. But one thing that legalization would do is give the power to the women. To make it safe to go to the police and not get in trouble yourself. And that’s what’s important.

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